Matt DeSantis
Matthew DeSantis brings more than 10 years of experience to the mortgage banking industry. His first position was with a HUD – Sponsored counseling agency assisting homeowners to prevent foreclosure and negotiate loan modifications during the Financial Crisis of 2008. Following his non-profit work, Matthew worked for Primary Residential Mortgage based in California as a loan officer assistant and translator before transferring to NJ Lenders Corp. Matthew is fluent in both spoken and written Spanish. Matthew has originated loans in the New York, New Jersey Pennsylvania, and Florida areas.
Matthew DeSantis aporta más de 10 años de experiencia a la industria de la banca hipotecaria. Su primer puesto fue en una agencia de asesoramiento patrocinada por HUD que ayudaba a los propietarios a evitar ejecuciones hipotecarias y negociar modificaciones de préstamos durante la crisis financiera de 2008. Después de su trabajo sin fines de lucro, Matthew trabajó para Primary Residential Mortgage con sede en California como asistente y traductor del oficial de préstamos. antes de transferirse a NJ Lenders Corp. Matthew habla español con fluidez tanto hablado como escrito. Matthew ha originado préstamos en las áreas de Nueva York, Nueva Jersey, Pennsylvania, y Florida.
Intuitive Tools
Mortgage Calculators
NJ Lenders Corp provides borrowers with intuitive mortgage calculators to assist your loan journey. We make the process as easy as we can for you the entire way. View our calculators to see what loan works best for your needs.
Monthly Rate and See
Your Options
Total monthly payment
Principal and Interest $1,478.84
Taxes $250.00
Insurance $125.00
PMI $104.17
Does your future add up?
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The information shown is for illustrative purposes only and does not
represent a credit decision or
commitment to lend. These figures apply to a borrower with excellent credit and are subject to change
notice. Products and terms may not be available for your situation. Pricing add-ons related to loan
property type, loan-to-value, credit score and other variables may apply. Adjustable-Rate Mortgage (ARM)
and monthly payments are subject to increase after consummation. Please contact your Mortgage Markets
Officer for further information about fees and terms, and to discuss your specific situation.

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